Life Skills

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Life Skills Lead: Leanne Southern


Life skills are embedded into the curriculum and everyday routines within the Engage pathway. We concentrate on Preparation for Adulthood through our EHCP targets, helping our children develop the skills necessary to live life as independently as possible.


We embed life skills throughout the school day in the Explore pathway. We use individualised targets for every pupil and provide opportunities across the school day to help develop life skills to help cope with their emotions and day to day life. The aim is to help prepare our pupils for adulthood in preparation for moving into the next pathway and to the next stage of their lives. Although we encourage independence and key skills across the school day, we offer adult support to help model these aspects to help our pupils embed this further and eventually with independence.


The Life Skills Curriculum on the Discover pathway focuses on the Preparation for Adulthood (PfA) key strands:

  • Community Inclusion (CI)
  • Health and Wellbeing (HW)
  • Employment and Higher Education (EHE)
  • Independent Living (IL)

Children have PfA targets in their EHCPs and allocated time to work on these targets throughout the week. Set lessons dedicated to teaching areas of life skills in half term slots. Each half term topic will pull from multiple strands ensuring there is a coverage of skills.

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