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Accreditation offered at Harry Watts Academy

At Key Stages 4 all pupil progress and achievement is recognised through the awarding of a range of nationally recognised external accreditation, as detailed in this leaflet.

Accreditation is offered at the following three levels for all areas of study: Engage, Explore and Discover. Each pupil, for each area of study, has an identified level of accreditation they are following. This is referred to as the pupil’s ‘progression pathway’. The level of accreditation a pupil will follow may vary depending on their designated pathway in KS4.

Engage Explore Discover
AQA unit awards AQA unit awards  
  AQA ELC Level 1-2 (English and Maths ) AQA ELC Level 1-3 (English and Maths )
ASDAN Life Skills Challenge ASDAN Life Skills Challenge ASDAN Life Skills Challenge

Duke of Edinburgh

Duke of Edinburgh Duke of Edinburgh

AQA ELC Qualifications

Entry Level Certificate is designed as a qualification that offers pupils the opportunity to achieve a certified award.


KS4 pupils will complete eight components which are externally set non-exam assessments.

1 - Properties of number

2 - The four operations

3 - Ratio

4 - Money

5 - The calendar and time

6 - Measures

7 - Geometry

8 - Statistics

Step up to English

Pupils will complete two components based on:

  •  Reading and communication
  •  Writing
  •  Spoken Language


Marks will then be awarded for each component and an overall mark given.

Pupils will be able to work towards level 1, 2 and 3.

AQA website


Pupils at Harry Watts Academy will participate in Life Skills Challenge courses. These courses offer imaginative ways of developing, assessing and certificating young peoples knowledge and skills development.

The courses have been developed to prepare learners for adult life and include sections on community inclusion, employability and independence skills. Pupils will also participate in challenges to further develop their skills and knowledge in Science, History, Geography, Religious Education and Expressive Arts.

ASDAN website

Duke of Edinburgh

The Duke of Edinburgh is many things to many people, supporting generations to successfully navigate adult life.

There are 4 sections to complete at bronze and silver level.

  • Volunteering
  • Physical Skills
  • Skills Development (Life Skills)
  • Expedition

Duke of Edinburgh website

AQA Unit Award Scheme

The Unit Award Scheme (UAS) is a unique recording of achievement scheme, rather than a qualification. It offers learners the opportunity to have their achievements   formally recognised with a certificate each time a short unit of learning is successfully completed.

Flexibility is key with UAS and the motto is ‘achievement for ALL’.

Pupils will be working towards awards in Mathematics and English. For every unit a pupil achieves they will receive a certificate of award.

Units have been chosen to link in with the curriculum set for the school year, so that the units coincide with the work pupils would be doing in class.  Pupils would need to complete the required outcomes of learning set by AQA to achieve the award and certificate.

AQA Unit Award Scheme website

Policy Information

The school follows all JCQ regulations for conducting exams and to be an official   exam centre.

JCQ website

All of our School Exams policies can be found under Key Information.

Key Information

If you have any queries please contact the Trust Exams officer via email: